45 main attractions of Novorossiysk


Novorossiysk is the largest port in the south of Russia. There are few beaches and typical seaside entertainment. But there are natural beauties, military monuments and a convenient starting point for traveling throughout the region. It is worth driving a couple of tens of kilometers outside the city, as unique places for spending time open up for tourists.

In addition, the region has a rich history of wine production. The Abrau-Dyurso sparkling wine factory is a visiting card of the area. Its products are not inferior in quality to world brands. Agritourism complex "Chateau-Pino" is not yet so popular, but connoisseurs of stylish relaxation will love its atmosphere, oysters and walks among the vineyards.

The most interesting and beautiful places

List, photos with names and descriptions of the best sights of Novorossiysk. He will help you plan routes and choose excursions to explore the top places of the city and its environs in 2-3 days.

Admiral Serebryakov Embankment

This is the place where you should start your acquaintance with the city. The embankment stretches for 2 kilometers and is a modern walking area. On the one hand, there are views of the Tsemesskaya Bay, on the other, neat lawns, flower beds and young trees. Nearby there are a lot of places for leisure, including a water park, a cinema, a sea terminal. A monument to the founders of the city is erected on the embankment.

Cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

The ship was built in the 50s. The cruiser is the last representative of its type, so the military command in 1994 began the process of transferring "Mikhail Kutuzov" to the rank of museum ships. They wanted to keep it, as an example of domestic shipbuilding, for posterity. The road to the new status and the parking place was long: the cruiser ended up in Novorossiysk only in 2001. It is still part of the Black Sea Fleet.

Ensemble-memorial "Malaya Zemlya"

The main attraction of Novorossiysk is one of those dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. At the site of its installation, fierce battles for the city took place. As conceived by the authors, the majestic 22-meter structure personifies the bow of the ship. Armed soldiers are about to descend from it. On the lower level there is a museum, the main exhibits of which are bas-reliefs of the Heroes of the USSR.

Street of the Novorossiysk Republic

In 1975, Mira Street was given a new name in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Novorossiysk Republic. During the First Russian Revolution, workers 'and peasants' self-government was established in the city. It existed from December 12 to 26, 1905, but remained in history. The official authorities harshly suppressed the rebellion: the leaders of the Novorossiysk Republic were executed, and their associates of a lower rank went to hard labor.

Observation deck "Seven Winds"

Located at the Andreevsky Pass. From here, an incredible view of the entire city, as well as the sea and mountainous terrain, opens up. In Soviet times, a restaurant of the same name worked at the top. It closed long ago, and the building turned into ruins. Some time ago, the road to the observation deck was closed due to construction work. Now you can only get there on foot.

Forum Square

If you walk from the Serebryakov embankment towards the port, then on the way tourists will get acquainted with the Forumnaya city square. It is impressive in size and makes an impression: right from the square you can see a view of the Tsemesskaya Bay. Closer to the port there is a stele "Sea Glory of Russia", and a little further - cannons and anchors. The entire territory of the square is paved with paving stones of different shades.

Heroes Square

It is a memorial ensemble in the Central District of the city. The area can be considered the starting point for the development and expansion of Novorossiysk. At different times, they traded here, walked, organized holidays. Gradually, the territory took shape first into a boulevard, and then into a square with an adjacent park. Especially noteworthy is the Friendship Alley, where the trees are planted by delegations from sister cities.

Sudjuk Spit and Lagoon

It is located near the entrance to the Tsemesskaya Bay. Two narrow embankments formed a triangular lagoon, separating it from the Black Sea. This is a unique ecosystem that is under threat due to the constantly changing composition of the water. Environmentalists have been sounding the alarm about this for more than a decade. In winter, waterfowl find temporary shelter on the spit and in the lagoon itself.

Ruins of the Cement Workers Palace of Culture

One of the most unusual sights in the city. At the cement plant in the late 30s of the last century, it was decided to build a House of Culture. Its opening was planned for the summer of 1941. The completed building was not commissioned due to the war. During the fighting, it was almost completely destroyed. The Palace of Culture was not restored, turning it into a monument of the era, reminiscent of sad events.

Tsemesskaya grove

The natural monument stretches along the Tsemes River in the southeast of the city. The area of ​​the grove is over 125 hectares. People come here to breathe in the fresh air and admire the dense greenery in the spring and summer seasons. The grove is well-groomed, there are walking paths. It is dominated by poplar, elm, willow and ash, as well as rare species of insects, including the polyxena butterfly, stag beetle and the giant Caucasian ground beetle.

Novorossiysk silo barn-elevator

At the time of construction in 1894, this elevator was the second largest in the world after the Chicago one. The project of the building belonged to Stanislav Kerbedz, and Alexander Schensnovich supervised the construction work. The elevator barn consisted of 364 silos, and 10 million bricks were used to build it. In 2017, the restoration of the object, which has long been recognized as an architectural monument, was completed.

Novorossiysk sea port

The holder of a record among the ports of Russia for the length of the berth line - 8 kilometers and 300 meters. Tsemesskaya bay, in which the port is located, does not freeze and is convenient for navigation at any time of the year. Although sometimes in winter you have to pause in navigation due to the dangerous northeastern bora wind. The port area is divided into three sectors: cargo, passenger, military and oil.

DoDo Wildlife Park

In 2007, a park, unique in its essence, was opened in the village of Natukhaevskaya. This is not a zoo in the literal sense of the word: they want not only to surprise visitors with rare animals, but also to introduce them to the history of endangered species. The name "DoDo" is precisely given in honor of the bird, which became extinct in just 100 years after its discovery. This was due to the detrimental human influence on the dodo habitats.

Lake Abrau

A resort place famous for its nature, wines and the opportunity to stay away from the hustle and bustle. The lake is in demand among tourists, but not enough to create crowd and constant buzz here. There are plenty of well-equipped beach areas on the coast. It is easy to find a guesthouse or hotel nearby, although the prices are not low. Tastings of local alcoholic beverages are held regularly.

Winemaking enterprises in the vicinity of Novorossiysk

A trip to the village of Abrau-Dyurso is almost an obligatory part of the excursion programs of Novorossiysk. The Myskhako plant is no less popular. And very close to the city you can have a great time in the restaurant of the Chateau Pino complex.

Factory of sparkling wines "Abrau-Dyurso"

The history of the company dates back to the second half of the 19th century. The owners of the wine production aspired to world quality standards, therefore they willingly adopted foreign experience in technical terms, and also invited foreign specialists. In the 21st century, the company experienced a breakthrough in brand development. The plant is open to the public.You can choose from several programs, which include both an excursion and a tasting.

Agritourism complex "Chateau Pino"

Located near the village of Myskhako. The complex creates the atmosphere of a European southern province. Guests are offered to walk through the vineyards, taste the oysters grown here and local wine, as well as enjoy the architecture atypical for these places and watch an open-air movie. From the highest point of "Chateau Pinot" you can see views of both the valley and the bay.

Winery "Myskhako"

It is considered one of the oldest wine producers in Russia. Alcohol from here has been supplied to the Kremlin for many decades. Several excursion programs have been developed. There are individual tastings or a comprehensive introduction to Myskhako. For those who want to personally engage in wine production, master classes are offered. 500 hectares of vineyards are waiting for tourists - the entrance to this area is not limited in any way.

Public gardens and parks of Novorossiysk

The city has beautiful park areas where it is pleasant to walk along the well-groomed alleys and relax on a bench. Frunze Park has a Ferris wheel and attractions. There is a petting zoo in the Lenin Park.

Frunze Park

The most popular park in the city. Numerous events and celebrations are held here during the season. It is crowded here even on weekdays. In 2016, a new Ferris wheel was installed. In addition to it, there are other carousels and attractions for children and adults. The attraction of the park is a pond with carps and turtles. Above it is a bridge decorated with locks brought here by newlyweds.

Lenin Park

Located in the Central area. Suitable for walking on a hot day, as there are many trees in the shade of which it is good to hide from the heat. In recent years, the park has been gradually modernized. Attractions have appeared, tents with food are working. You can ride horses and visit the petting zoo. There are other city attractions within walking distance, including a theater, a planetarium, and a rope park.

Pioneer grove

The forested area with walking paths has been a "place of hostilities" for many years. From time to time they want to partially cut down the grove for construction, but local residents do not allow this to be done. There are a number of restrictions on the territory of this natural site. Among other things, you cannot burn fires and walk dogs. It is good to come to the grove with children: several playgrounds have been created for them. And adults can work out on simulators in the open air.

Popular beaches of Novorossiysk

The city has decent well-groomed beaches. The Central Beach and Aleksino Beach are popular with guests and residents of Novorossiysk. They are comfortable, have the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay.

Central beach

It is considered the best beach in the city. Convenient location within the city limits, as well as service and infrastructure do their job. In 2009, it was completely rebuilt to meet modern requirements. A gentle entrance to the water, but the depth increases sharply, which must be taken into account when resting with children. There is a safe area for babies. Rides are open during the season. The only disadvantage of the beach is its crowdedness.

Aleksino beach

Located on the outskirts of the city. Some tourists and locals prefer it and come here from the center. A pebble beach is located on a strip of land sandwiched between Lake Salt and the waters of the Tsemesskaya Bay. Changing cabins, toilets, showers, rental of everything you need, a small cafe - Aleksino's infrastructure is at its best. There are installed sun loungers, umbrellas and long awnings. Even in the heat it is comfortable here.

Beach "Neptune"

The name comes from a nearby cinema. The coastline is covered with small pebbles. The entrance to the water is shallow, there are no stones. The beach is rarely even half full. Infrastructure is minimal. There are no showers, but there are changing rooms. Sun loungers and umbrellas are rented from nearby cafes. The water is clean most of the season. On especially hot days of summer, algae float to the surface of the water.

Churches and temples of Novorossiysk

Although there are few temples in the city, the few churches that exist are a real decoration of the streets of the city.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

The main temple of the city was built in 1904. In the 30s it was closed. During the war, services were resumed, but the building was badly damaged by shelling. It was restored back in the Soviet period. Blue and white colors are not uncommon in the decoration of external walls of religious objects. But the Holy Dormition Cathedral stands out for their total mass, the ratio of these colors is much more blue, and it is bright, so the temple cannot be overlooked.

Temple of Peter and Fevronia

In 2013, the authorities came to the conclusion that the 3 Orthodox churches that were working in the city at that time were not enough for 300 thousand people. This is how the project for the construction of a small but very beautiful church in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia was born. The temple stands on a high bank, so there is a sea behind it. A neat alley with rows of trees and benches leads to the front door. The first service took place in 2019.

Orthodox complex "Holy Hand"

In a mountain gorge near the village of Neberdzhaevskaya, 6 holy springs have been discovered for quite a long time. Two of them are equipped and convenient for pilgrims to visit. They are named after John the Baptist and the healer Panteleimon. Russian and Greek chapels were built nearby. The complex is complemented by hot tubs, changing rooms and recreation areas. There are many legends about the "Holy Hand". Even the big flood of 2012 spared this place.

Cultural landmarks of Novorossiysk

Among the cultural attractions, the most popular and visited are the city's museums and the Novorossiysk theater.

Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve

In 1916, on the initiative of the then governor, the first historical museum was opened in the city. It was kept on donations, and was made local history only decades later. Very few exhibits survived the Great Patriotic War: even an attempt to evacuate did not save the collection. After renewing the exposition, the museum reopened in 1944. Formally, the memorial complex "Valley of Death", located in the village of Myskhako, belongs to the assets of the museum.

Cement Industry Museum

The only museum of this subject in Russia. It was opened in 1979 on the territory of the Novoroscement enterprise. The exposition tells about the industry as a whole. The funds include 50 thousand storage units. Visitors can virtually travel back two centuries and learn how cement production began in our country. The branch of the museum is the memorial apartment of the writer Fyodor Gladkov.

Museum of military equipment

Belongs to the memorial complex "Malaya Zemlya". The official name is long - "Weapons and military equipment of the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Although the theme of the exhibition is determined by a specific period, the collection contains military equipment from earlier eras, including the First World War. The rarities are in the open air near the coast, so it's not hard to find a museum.

House-Museum of N. A. Ostrovsky

Nikolai Ostrovsky spent two years in the house of his father-in-law on the outskirts of the Eastern District of Novorossiysk from 1926 to 1928. During the Great Patriotic War, the building was badly damaged. It was restored and given to the workers of the local factory. In 1983, the efforts of enthusiasts, researchers and the city authorities managed to collect materials for the opening of the writer's museum. The exposition covers his personal life and work.

Novorossiysk city theater

Until 1959, the city did not have its own full-fledged theater. Several theater groups united into one collective, and from that moment the troupe's road to official status began. It was awarded only in 2014, but the performances were closer to professional than to amateur in quality before.The theater has a good attendance, and the repertoire includes both classical performances and seasonal novelties.

Yuri Gagarin Planetarium

It opened its doors to visitors a few months after the first manned flight into space. The hall has 50 seats. The program is designed primarily for children. Although there are also more advanced themed events for the dedicated public. The Novorossiysk Planetarium is recognized as a cultural heritage site. It is planned to reconstruct the building and replace the equipment with a more modern one.

Monuments and monuments of Novorossiysk

There are many beautiful historical and modern memorials and monuments in the city and its surroundings.

Memorial "Line-line of defense"

Consists of two iconic landmarks. The reinforced concrete structure hangs over the road thanks to the supports. Four arms protrude from it, gripping the weapon. On different sides of the monument, the names of the units and formations that participated in the defense of the city are listed, and the awards of Novorossiysk are depicted. There is an old monument freight car nearby. Only the frame, riddled with shots, remained of it.

Monument to the founders of Novorossiysk

In 1838, on the site of what is now Novorossiysk, there was a destroyed Turkish fortress. Its ruins became the basis for the fortifications that were built by Nikolai Raevsky, Lazar Serebryakov and Mikhail Lazarev. Three of these military men are considered the founders of the city: allegedly, it later grew out of their camp. The opening of the sculptural group took place in 2007. The author of the project is Alexander Suvorov.

Monument "Torpedo boat"

During the Great Patriotic War, this ship "TK-718" sailed the waters of the Even Sea. Boats of this class were very useful and deserved their place in the history of the fight against fascism. Therefore, after the write-off, the boat was restored and retrained into a full-fledged monument. In 1968 he took his place on the embankment, where he "straddled" the pedestal-wave, which complemented the composition.

Monument-fountain "Giving water"

It was created after solving the problem of Novorossiysk with fresh water in the 70s of the last century. The fountain was installed on the embankment. Architect Gurgen Najaryan and sculptor Valod Chilingaryan placed a girl on her knees with outstretched arms in a rectangle flooded with water. In 2006, due to structural wear and tear, the fountain was completely redesigned according to the design of Alexander Suvorov.

Sculpture "Dolphin and Mermaid"

Installed on the embankment named after Admiral Serebryakov. The formal name is "Girl on a Dolphin". It is incorrect to call the dolphin's "companion" from the composition a mermaid, since she does not have a mermaid's tail. The height of the sight with a stone pedestal is more than 2.5 meters. The monument was made of metal and painted in bronze, giving it a more noble look.

Monument "Exodus"

There are several monuments in Novorossiysk by Alexander Suvorov, and this one is one of them. The monument was opened in 2013 and reaches a height of 7 meters. It illustrates the post-revolutionary events sad for the White Guards: the defeated officers had to leave their native country. Even the horse understands what is happening: he resists and does not want to get on the ship and send him to a foreign land.

Monument to the Wives of Sailors

It is also popularly called the "Sailor's Wife" or "Sailor". The figure of a woman with a child in her arms waving after a conventional ship - a project by Alexander Suvorov. He decorated Novorossiysk in 2010, although plans to create a monument on this topic have been discussed for a long time. The question of moving the sculpture to another place was repeatedly raised: many believe that it would be more logical to deploy the "Sailor" facing the sea.

Monument to the dead fishermen of the seiner "Urup"

In 1953, a hurricane killed 12 people. All of them worked in "Chernomorets" - a large fishing collective farm. Despite the storm warning, the fishermen went to Poti to keep their catch and ran aground. Rescuers arrived at the scene of the tragedy, but could not help, as the storm was still continuing. With the money of "Chernomorets" was subsequently created a monument, erected on the cape of Love six years later.

Monument to Geshe Kozodoev

The character from The Diamond Hand, played by Andrei Mironov, settled in Tsemesskaya Bay in 2010. At the same time, Gaidai did not shoot his film in Novorossiysk, as many mistakenly think. The bronze statue was placed on a mini-island, which was specially "poured" in the water for this purpose. The monument is included in all sorts of ratings of the most unusual sights of the south of Russia.

Monument to Leonid Brezhnev

The only monument to the general secretary in Russia. In Novorossiysk, Leonid Ilyich lived and fought during the war. Nikolay Bugaev was the author of the project and named the final work “A man walking in the city”. Brezhnev in the vision of the sculptor turned out to be fit and full of strength. The height of the monument together with the pedestal is about 4 meters. It was erected in 2004, but in 2010 due to the need to rebuild the park, the monument was moved.

Monument to the Liberators of Novorossiysk

The majestic sculptural group appeared on Freedom Square in 1961. A sailor with a submachine gun, a guerrilla with a rifle, and a standard bearer represent courage and dedication to duty. Novorossiysk received the title of a hero city, as its defenders and liberators fought without fear and without sparing themselves. The total height of the composition is about 18 meters. Inspirational war scenes are depicted on the edges of the pedestal.

Memorial complex "Valley of Death"

It was created in 1974 on the territory of the village of Myskhako, which is formally part of Novorossiysk. A group of local sculptors worked on the project. It is dedicated to the fierce battles for the city, dated 1943. The memorial includes a "Demonstration map-scheme", a monument "Explosion", "Well of life", "Front edge", three memorial signs and a plane tree planted by Leonid Brezhnev.

Monument to the sailors of the revolution

A 12-meter sailor, kneeling, was installed on the 12th kilometer of the Novorossiysk-Gelendzhik route in 1980. The monument recalls the events of the beginning of the last century, when officers and sailors were forced to sink their ships so that they would not fall to the enemy. There is an observation deck across the street from the monument. Behind it there are signs with a list of ships and the coordinates of the sinking place of each of them.
