How to get from Debrecen to Budapest - all ways


We will tell you how to get from Debrecen to Budapest. What types of transport are available, timetables, names of stops, ticket prices. Find out which method is cheaper and more convenient. Tips on how to save money.

Look for excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster websites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

Exchange rate: 100 forints (HUF) ≈ 25 RUB.

How to get by bus from Debrecen to Budapest

The road from Debrecen to Budapest became of interest to tourists after the convenient flights of the low-cost Wizzair Moscow - Debrecen appeared. There are 221 km between the two Hungarian cities. There are no direct buses, so people go from Debrecen to Budapest with one or two changes. The journey takes about 3.5 hours.

First you need to get from the airport to the city center. To do this, leave the terminal, walk to the end of the parking lot and take shuttle no. R1 or R2. The bus will take you to the bus station in 10-15 minutes. The fare is 450 HUF. Pay the driver.

The shuttle schedule is tied to the flights of the aircraft, so they run at intervals from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

A taxi ride from the airport to the bus station will cost HUF 3000.

Stops... Buses from Debrecen towards Budapest leave from the bus station to Debrecen autóbusz-állomás... In Budapest, they arrive at Stadion autóbusz-pályaudvar.

schedule... Buses run 14 times a day from 5:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Where can I buy a ticket. Tickets for the Debrecen - Budapest bus are not sold via the Internet. You need to buy them at the bus station. Ticket offices may be closed in the morning, so the most convenient way is to purchase tickets from the driver. Passengers stand in a live queue, pay in cash, receive printed tickets from the driver and take their seats. The fare ranges from 4500 to 5400 HUF.

How to save... At the ticket offices of the bus station, tickets are cheaper than those of the driver.

How to get by train from Debrecen to Budapest

First you need to get from the airport to the Debrecen train station. This can be done by shuttles no. R1 and R2. Get off at the bus stop Nagyállomás.

All trains from Debrecen to Budapest are direct. They leave from the city railway station at Petőfi tér, 12, and run 2-3 times per hour. The last train leaves Debrecen at 19:40. The road to Budapest takes 2.5 to 3.5 hours.

Most trains arrive at Budapest West Station - Budapest-Nyugati... Some go up Budapest-Keleti, and one early train - before Kelenföld.

Where can I buy a ticket... Tickets are sold at ticket offices and electronic machines at the railway station. Cashiers, as a rule, do not know English, so it is easier to buy from vending machines with an English menu. You will receive a ticket in Hungarian, which will indicate the carriage and the specific seat.

The fare ranges from 3950 to 7265 HUF. The price depends on the type of train and the class of the carriage. There are no benefits for tourists.

You can buy a ticket on the official website of the Hungarian Railways. There is also an up-to-date train schedule. For convenience, change your Hungarian language to English or German!

How to save... Travel in a second class carriage is cheaper. It makes no sense to take tickets in advance, since trains run often, and there are always places.

BlaBlaCar ride

A good option to get from Debrecen to Budapest is to find fellow travelers on the BlaBlaCar service. Go to the site, set the starting and ending point of the route, select the date and time, and you will see the drivers' requests. It remains to sort the offers by price. A trip with fellow travelers costs from 3019 HUF (9.19 euros).

Taxi from Debrecen to Budapest

About 230 km by road between the two cities. The taxi journey takes 2.5-3 hours.

How much is a taxi from Debrecen to Budapest? Hungarian taxi drivers charge 300 HUF per landing and 240 HUF per 1 km. At night and early in the morning, the rates are higher: 400 HUF for a landing, 340 HUF for 1 km. If you order a transfer on KiwiTaxi, you will pay from 47,000 HUF (143 euros). Expensive, but fast and with maximum convenience!

Rent a Car

Many people like to get from Debrecen to Budapest in a rented car. As with a taxi, the journey between the two cities will take 2.5-3 hours.

There are rental desks right at the airport. If you pick up the car at Debrecen airport and return it in Budapest, then the rental day will cost from 136 euros - 44690 HUF.

The roads in Hungary are good. A vignette is required to travel on toll roads. We recommend purchasing it at A vignette for 10 days costs 10 euros. For gasoline to Budapest, you will pay about 27 euros.

How to save... Renting a car with return in Debrecen will cost half the price. In addition, you can save money if you rent a car for several days.

Find out all the nuances of car rental abroad.

The cheapest way to get from Eastern Hungary to the capital of the country is by car with fellow travelers. Such a trip is an excellent solution for young and sociable tourists!

Buses are not the most convenient way, as there are no direct flights between Debrecen and Budapest. For those who want to travel safely and comfortably, the train is suitable.

Tourists with large luggage, children or a group of friends are better off using a taxi. If you want not only to get from Debrecen to Budapest, but also to see other sights of Hungary, rent a car!
