How to get from Rome to Venice - all ways


Find out all the ways to get from Rome to Venice on your own. What is the fastest transport? How to get there cheaper? Schedules, stops and ticket prices. Tips on how to save money.

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How to get by bus from Rome to Venice

There are 528 km of roads between Italian cities. Traveling on your own from Rome to Venice by bus is not the fastest and cheapest option. Bus routes in this direction are served by FlixBus, MarinoBus, BusCenter and RegioJet.

Stops... Regular buses leave from bus stations Tiburtina and Anagnina in Rome and come to the bus stations Tronchetto or Mestre in Venice.

schedule... 6-10 buses run daily between the two Italian cities. They walk at intervals of 1.5-2.5 hours. If the flight is direct, then tourists get to the place in 7-9 hours. The transfer by bus can take 12-14 hours.

Where can I buy a ticket... We recommend taking tickets for the Rome - Venice buses online through the Russian-language service Omio or on the Flixbus website; they are also sold at ticket offices and electronic machines at bus stations. The fare ranges from 19.9 to 29.9 euros.

How to save... The cheapest tickets offers Flixbus... If you buy in advance, prices will be lower. Want to save money on a hotel? Take the night bus that departs from Rome at 22:50 and arrives in Venice at 5:30.

How to get from Rome to Venice by train

The safest and fastest way to get from Rome to Venice on your own is by high-speed trains Trenitalia and ItaloTreno... Travel time to Venice is only 3.5-4 hours. Slower trains Intercity - from 4 to 11 hours.

Stops. Trains leave from train stations Tiburtina and Termini in Rome and arrive in Venice at the central station Santa lucia... They run daily from 5:35 am to 10:35 pm at intervals of 15-30 minutes. If you set out early in the morning, you will be in Venice by 10:00!

Where can I buy a ticket... For the Rome - Venice train, tickets are sold at ticket offices and vending machines at railway stations. In order not to stand in lines, many tourists buy tickets online. We advise you to use the Russian-language service Omio and the websites of the railway carriers ItaloTreno and Trenitalia There you can also check the current timetable.

Train tickets from Rome to Venice cost between 27.9 and 90 euros. If you buy 1-2 months before the trip, the prices will be lower. Don't put off your purchase until the last day! It may turn out that all the cheap tickets have run out.

Night trains... A good option is to get from Rome to Venice by night train Intercitynotte... You don't have to spend money on a hotel. Inexpensive tickets are offered in seated carriages of the 2nd class for 12.9 euros. You have to pay 60 euros for a seat in a compartment, and a whole compartment will cost 100 euros.

How to save... Follow the promotions on the ItaloTreno website in the Promo section. Sometimes tickets in 1st class, or Prima, are sold for 18.9 euros. Online Trenitalia when buying a few months in advance, you can catch a favorable tariff Super Economy for 19.9 euros.

BlaBlaCar ride

Those who like to communicate on the road are advised to use the excellent service for finding fellow travelers BlaBlaCar Enter the starting and ending point of the route - Rome and Venice, select the date, time and you will see many offers from the drivers.

The trip will take 5.5-6 hours. How much does it cost? We found an option for 24 euros. Quite inexpensive!

Rent a Car

If you love independent travel and feel confident behind the wheel, consider renting a car. Car rental companies operate at Rome airport and in the city. The lowest rental prices are at Fiumicino airport. An economy class car will cost 70 euros per day. Use the service and you will easily find a suitable car and rental conditions.

It is unprofitable to rent a car just to get from Rome to Venice. You can easily agree with this if you add fuel costs, toll roads (about 30 euros) and driving for 5.5-6 hours to the rental price.

To enjoy your trip, continue interesting itineraries in Italy for a few days. Make stops in Tuscany and other ancient cities. Spend time tasting Italian food and visit places where famous wines, cheeses and prosciutto are made.

How to save... Renting an economy class car for a week will cost 91 euros.

What is the best way to get from Rome to Venice

Depending on which transport you choose, the journey will take from 3.5 to 14 hours. The fastest way to get from Rome to Venice is the Frecciarossa or Frecciargento high-speed trains. If you buy tickets in advance, this option will not only be the fastest, but also the most economical.

From airport Fiumicino (FCO) in Rome to Venice airport Marco Polo (VCE) It is convenient to fly by plane. The flight lasts 1 hour 5 minutes and costs 85.5 euros.

For group trips with friends or family, it is more profitable to take a taxi. If you are traveling alone, want to get there with maximum comfort and at the same time save money, look for a car with fellow travelers.

Renting a car is good for a trip of a few days. You will not only get from Rome to Venice, but also discover new sights of Italy.
