Excursions in Moscow - 2021: prices, description, reviews


Do you want to visit the most interesting places in Moscow? We have selected the 10 most popular excursions in the capital. Descriptions, prices in 2021 and feedback from participants. What do experienced tourists advise?

Look for author's interesting excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster websites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists.

Bus tour of Moscow

Description... A two-hour trip around the city will suit everyone who is in Moscow for the first time. A bus tour is convenient when you have to while away the time at the station or when you need to show the capital to your child. You will see the main attractions of the center: the Kremlin, the Moskva River embankment, the main building of Moscow State University and Poklonnaya Gora. On the route, the bus makes stops for 10-15 minutes at Red Square, near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and at the observation deck of Vorobyovy Gory.

Price... For an adult - 600 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... The buses are air conditioned in summer and heaters in winter. The tourists liked that on the way the guide shows the places that you can see on your own.

Historical walk in Moscow from antiquity to the present day

Description... A tour of historical Moscow was created for lovers of antiquity and Russian architecture. A native Muscovite, journalist and historian takes tourists around the city center and tells how Moscow was founded, where people came from and why riots and uprisings took place. While walking through the streets and squares, you will learn about the traditions and life of Moscow merchants and nobles.

Price... For a group of 1-5 people - 5000 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... The participants of the excursion noted that the presentation of material and historical facts resembles an interesting friendly communication.

Tour of the rooftops of Moscow

Description... In 2021, tourists liked the excursion in Moscow, during which you can see the unique panoramas of the city. A professional roofer guides tourists along the capital's rooftops and shows iconic places - Stalin's skyscrapers, Kremlin towers and other architectural monuments of the city. The route and difficulty depends on your wishes!

Price... For an adult - 1290 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... Tour participants recommend that you wear comfortable clothing and non-slip, low-heeled shoes. Don't forget to bring your camera for stunning views of the city!

Glass architecture ideas

Description... An author's tour of the modern Moscow City district helps to find out how the capital's skyscrapers appeared and why people invest in glass buildings. You will see a block of new Moscow skyscrapers, hear a story about the history of glass architecture since the Middle Ages, and you will be able to understand the pros and cons of such buildings.

Price... For an adult - 900 rubles, for children under 18 years old - 630 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... A two-hour walk is available for adult tourists and children. The participants of the excursion were interested to learn about the technologies, ideas of glass construction in Moscow and look at the metropolis from an unusual angle.

Find out which hotels in Moscow with panoramic views.

Tour of the Moscow Kremlin

Description... You can walk around the Kremlin on your own, but it is much more interesting to get to know the heart of the city during an excursion with an experienced guide. You will visit the oldest building in Moscow - the Assumption Cathedral, see the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, masterpieces of foundry art and the Arsenal building founded by Peter I.

Price... For an adult - 1950 rubles, for a child under 15 years old - 1250 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... Tours start at 11:45 am on Fridays and Saturdays. The guide tells interestingly about the construction of the Kremlin, famous architects and ceremonies that are held outside the Kremlin walls today.

Bulgakovskaya Moscow. Mysticism and reality

Description... The excursion in Moscow for adults is aimed at fans of Mikhail Bulgakov's art. A walking tour of the places described in the famous novel lasts 2 hours. You will visit Patriarch's Ponds, Tverskoy Boulevard, learn a lot about the prototypes of literary heroes and the life of the city in the first half of the last century.

Price... For an adult - 700 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... All the participants liked the original journey through the pages of their favorite novel. Tourists noted the guide's competent literary language and non-trivial approach to decoding Bulgakov's work.

Masonic Moscow: secret messages in the city

Description... The Russian capital has many facets. If you are interested in the unusual pages of the city's history, take a guided tour of Masonic Moscow! The journey starts from the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station and passes by old buildings. You will see Masonic signs on the facades and learn about the connection with the Freemasons A.S. Pushkin and M.L. Kutuzov.

Price... For an adult - 900 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... Walking tours are available on Mondays and Saturdays at 18:00. In the evening, the historic center looks intriguing and mysterious. The unusual atmosphere and fascinating story of the guide help to understand what role free masons played in the life of Moscow.

Date with evening Moscow

Description... The capital in daylight and in the glow of the evening lights are two different cities. Illumination and street lights turn Moscow into a real fairy tale. You will drive past the walls of the Kremlin, the Bolshoi Theater and along Tverskaya Street, learn the history of Zaryadye and Lubyanka, look at the city from Sparrow Hills and Moscow City skyscrapers.

Price... For 1-3 people - 4500 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... The car trip is designed for 3 hours. A tour of the city at night does not provide for a deep immersion in history. It is designed for tourists who want to admire beautiful views, take spectacular photos and hear Moscow legends.

Walking tour to the Novodevichy Convent

Description... Connoisseurs of Orthodox history like an excursion in Moscow with a walk through one of the ancient women's monasteries. The Novodevichy Convent has existed for about 500 years and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Tourists are shown the Mariinsky Chambers, the Cathedral of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God and the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Price... Until 2022, the monastery is under restoration, so you can visit it only with a guided tour.

Genuine antiquities of Kitay-gorod

Description... The old district, full of attractions, is in the shadow of Red Square and the Kremlin, but Kitay-Gorod has a very interesting history. You will see the ancient temples of Ilinka and Varvarka, part of the Kitaygorodskaya wall, the Zaikonospassky monastery, the Old English courtyard, the Church of Cosmas and Damian, the chambers of the Romanov boyars and the Chizhevskoe courtyard.

Price... For an adult - 500 rubles.

Reviews of tourists... A walk around Kitai-Gorod lasts 1.5 hours. During the excursion, the guide tells urban legends and shows non-tourist places of the historical center.


  • Moscow is a huge metropolis with over 500 excursions. Tour formats are varied - from classic guided tours to quest games and adventures for extreme lovers, for example, flying over the city by plane.
  • Prices for group excursions in Moscow start at 250 rubles. Private guided walks are more expensive. For a company up to 10 people - from 3700 rubles.
  • When choosing an excursion, consider the duration of the walking part. On some excursions around Moscow, tourists do not get off the buses at all. Other tours are completely walking tours and last 2.5-3 hours. Long walks along the noisy, gas-polluted streets are not very comfortable for young children and elderly travelers!
  • Not all sights of Moscow are available at any time of the year. You cannot get to Red Square from the end of April to the beginning of May, when the preparations for the Victory Parade take place. Access to the Kremlin is restricted from early August to early September, during the Spasskaya Tower festival.
  • The schedule of excursions is influenced by the notorious Moscow traffic jams. Sometimes you have to wait a long time on the way or return to the wrong place, which was agreed in advance.
